Shaping Successful Futures through Performing arts, life building skills & leadership proficiency
The Academy Theatre, a Youth Theatre Arts Education Program, Performing Arts Curriculum & Community Arts Venue

Want to be part of our Haunted Canopies Trick or Treat
Decorating Contest for a chance to win 1 of 3 prizes?
1st Place - $50 Visa Gift Card
2nd, Place - $30 Home Depot Gift Card
3rd Place - $10 Starbucks Gift Card
Rules to Participate
1. Bring your own canopy tent. Please no larger than 10' x 10'.
2. Go crazy and be as imaginative when decorating your "Haunted Canopy."
3. Bring your chairs or whatever you need to sit comfortably in your space.
4. Bring candy for the kiddies to come around to Trick or Treat.
5. Be set up and ready to show off by 5pm on Saturday October 26th, 2024
6. There will be no power outlets. Bring your own battery or power supply if needed.
7. Sign up below and pay the $10 Entry Fee.
8. Finally, have the most fun, celebrating a safe community, neighborhood event for all!