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In continuation...


Nihil Obstat!


Nothing could get in the way of their aim for excellence, growth, and continued artistic expression.  The players continued to meet weekly, soulfully delivering their voices and improvisation in Angel’s backyard, where it all began.  Later, Phoenix World Outreach, a multicultural church welcomed the boys and girls to use their facility as a temporary place for practice until the Theatre found a permanent building. After months of indomitable search, Angel spotted his gem!  In February 2015, he drafted the layout of a new theater, and demolition and construction began in a quiet and safe neighborhood in the heart of Central Phoenix.  With the help of Vice-Administrator Bob Gates, love from the community, and a sizeable donation of lumber and building supplies from several companies, the previous medical office interior underwent a major transformation.


On May 23 of that same year, The Academy Theatre was reborn with a box office and soundproof 40-seat theater with a rounded-operatic stage at 1554 West Van Buren.  The new facility included a parlor, kitchen, cast rooms for boys and girls, a classroom, backstage, and a director’s office. Die-hard fans of the old-fashioned theater are delighted with such touches as the ornately designed curtains, Greek columns, and multiple chandeliers.


The Academy Theatre has subsequently birthed the Children's Drama Preparatory Academy, reinstated the Adult Drama Academy, and constantly gained new members. With much excitement, it has recently showcased such entertaining acts including "Don Q and His Squire Sancho", "Pirates", the crowd-pleasing Fashion Challenge Showcase, and sensational First Friday musical lineups featuring different artists every month.  From humble beginnings to current performances, the Theatre remains a solid, valorous, and ever-growing youth leadership presence in Phoenix.  This work of dedication and commitment is evident and emanates from its walls; a must-see for any who treasures the traditional essence of theatre.




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