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volunteer position duty details

If interested in any of the volunteer positions below, simply click on the title and it will direct you to our sign-up page.

Thank you so very much for your possible interest to join our theater family.


Acquisitions Coordinator:  One of our main goals is to lower and lessen our organizational expenses, but not sacrifice the efficacy and aesthetic needs we need. The duties of this position require the coordinator to seek out in-kind donations (not cash) from local businesses and companies. Examples of in-kind donations may be from lumber yards for materials for our sets or expansion of our building and other items we would like but cannot afford. Requires enthusiastic and friendly cold call skills.


Box Office Controller:  This volunteer requires handling a master list of attendees for any ticketed event we may have at the academy and handing out tickets when attendees arrive. It requires setting up and running the box office at these events and keeping records of availability. Requires a friendly and positive attitude and dealing with the public. May also require running credit/debit registries and/or handling of cash for at the door sales.


Endorsements Coordinator:  The duties of this position requires the volunteer to seek and sell advertising space in our printed programs (playbills) and special event programs and productions from local businesses to offset printing costs of tickets, posters, and programs. May also include obtaining business sponsors for productions to offset stage set construction and/or costume costs. Active only when a show or production will be performed.


Café Manager:  This volunteer will be responsible for the overall running and setting up of the café when required for events held at the Academy. This will require designing the menu, and purchasing food and concession items with some on-site light cooking including managing volunteer staff who will be available to help with event sales.


Café Crew member:  These volunteers will help in the cafe when events are happening at the Academy. Will require people skills, help with set up and clean up of the cafe and parlor, help serve closed food items and drinks, and take cash and or credit/debit card sales.


Funding Team Member:  In this position, the member will be part of a team in generating ideas and acquiring available funding offered through major companies and businesses and approaching said companies in requesting such monies through the private sector. Knowledge of the Internet and online searches is helpful.


Soft Funding Coordinator: This position will be in charge of handling all no-cost soft funding platforms the academy currently has. This position will require knowledge of the processes of each of the platforms. Those platforms are;  Frys VIP Card, IGive browser button, and AmazonSmile. Requires coordinator to be present at events setting up a table with informational flyers of each available platform and inform and encourage people to sign up for these platforms. The coordinator is encouraged to research any other appropriate no-cost soft funding platforms the Academy Theatre may want to enroll in.


Community & Neighborhood Development:  This position will be responsible to help build relationships with key people, businesses, and organizations near and around the Academy Theatre location and to create awareness of our facility. It will also be responsible to help organize quarterly meetings for networking, sharing information, and addressing mutual concerns regarding the revitalization of the community and neighborhood with other neighborhood businesses and organizations. In doing so, we will be developing the Van Buren Business Coalition (VBBC) from 7th Avenue to Interstate 10.


Special Events Coordinator: This coordinator will be in charge of designing, implementing, and organizing special events to be held at the Academy Theatre for fundraising opportunities. These special events are different from the events we currently host throughout the year and may include help setting up these events.


Welcoming & Hospitality Team Member: These team members will act as greeters in our lobby and parlor, alongside our students in extending welcoming hospitality when the theater is open to the public. Some light physical work may be required to be set up outside the patron area before each event and taken down at the close of the event.


Security & Safety Team Member: These volunteers are needed to secure the parking lot, entrance, and patron outdoor area during Academy Theatre events. Courteous, welcoming, and friendly characteristics are expected.


Maintenance & Domestics Team Member: These volunteers are needed for possible light carpentry, painting, upkeep, or special building projects regarding the physical building working alongside our main carpenter. Domestic Team Members will be responsible for the general cleaning of the public areas of the Academy Theatre including vacuuming, and sweeping. mopping, dusting, and general restroom upkeep prior to public events.


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©2017 by The Academy Theatre

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