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Our SATURDAY NITE JAMZ Concert series at the Academy Theatre, promotes and supports our local musicians. The Academy Theatre prides itself in allowing artists to spread their wings, perfect their playing or singing experience, possibly make new contacts, build a fan base, or just enjoy sharing their talents simply because they love what they do.


Our goal for our SATURDAY NITE JAMZ is to offer the same philosophy to artists that we have for our students and to bring live entertainment to our community. We schedule these concerts every month to promote community, neighborhood, family, and local artists.


If you would like to volunteer to perform in our intimate, cozy venue please read below what we can offer for your contribution to our local artists' musical series.


Although we wish we can offer our generous artists/bands more, we do give a token $50 Artist Appreciation Stipend and the following; 


  • A special night for you and/or your band as the featured artist in our cozy and intimate theater for your use.

  • Use of our main stage and two casts (dressing rooms) for rest or getting prepared.

  • We will promote the event through our usual channels. I.e.: website, email blasts, text broadcasts, online event listings, and through our social media outlets as FB and Instagram.

  • To help with costs we run a concession-type café at 100% proceeds to the Academy Theatre. Drinks and/or snacks for you and your band members free of charge.

  • 3 11”x17” card stock color posters of the event as a gift (or as  many in your group)

  • You are encouraged to have a “tip” jar at the stage at 100% of proceeds to you.

  • You may also sell merchandise, demos, or CDs of you and your band at 100% sales to you.

  • You may also hand out flyers or business cards of you and/or of your band.


What we will need from you;

  • A visit at your convenience to our theater to meet and show you the area where you will be performing before the event.

  • An artist/band bio and picture or logo of you or your group for media pieces, a month prior.

  • As a collaborative effort, your own promotion of the event to your fan base and/or contacts and social outlets.

  • Appropriate music/entertainment for all ages and family-friendly audiences.

  • Artists and bands must bring their own audio equipment or PA system, as ours is considered basic for theater.

  • *A minimum of 1 ½hours or more setlist. Concert to begin promptly at 7 pm. Mid break/breaks are encouraged if you like.

  • Event hours start with doors opening at 6:30 pm and goes through to *8:30 pm. Artists should arrive no later than 5:30 to set up on the event date

  • Understanding that we are a youth organization and alcohol, smoking, or vaping is not permitted in the building.

  • If you are performing in the future, please be sure to stop by at other SATURDAY NITE JAMZ concerts to help support other local artists, groups, or bands.


Special Notes:

Due to location, circumstances of other area events, or holidays falling on or around the event date, our SATURDAY NITE JAMZ concerts at our organization may be a hit or miss. You may have 4 people or 40 in attendance in the audience. We take this as just one of those things that go with the music and entertainment industry and have a great time regardless. You will be treated well and assured of our hospitality and gratitude from our staff and/or members on hand.


*If you are a solo artist and do not have a 1 ½ hour setlist, having more than one artist sharing the event may be possible and a 45-minute setlist (including break) will be needed with the first artist performing from 7 pm to 7:45 pm and the second from 8 pm to 8:45 pm.


If you will still like to participate and become one of our SATURDAY NITE JAMZ special guests, please fill out the form below and we will begin the booking process.


We thank you for your generosity, appreciate your art, and are grateful for the time you will be giving us to make for a mutual, beneficial event.


Thank you again for your interest,


The Academy Theatre

Administrative Staff​​​​​​​​

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