Shaping Successful Futures through Performing arts, life building skills & leadership proficiency
The Academy Theatre, a Youth Theatre Arts Education Program, Performing Arts Curriculum & Community Arts Venue

Wednesday January 25th, 2023
Dear WDP Cast,
I am so excited to resume the WDP 2023!! And I am so excited to work with you all again. This year we will be working on a script that is a comical mystery surrounding a group of sorority girls, but a sorority they have been in many moons ago! Yes, you will be playing feisty grandmas, with an exception of a couple of characters.
The following are the details for the program this year.
1.. We will start Wednesday, March 1st at 7 pm.
**Note: Starting June 7th, 2023, the start time will move to 7:30 pm to make room for the new ADP cast at 6pm
2. The production date for your production has been set to be performed the weekend of October 20th-22nd, 2023
3. Please sign up here. We always need new signup forms every year for insurance purposes.
4. If you read my latest memo on the changes the Academy Theatre has to enforce this year, then you will know that this year there is a small token Participation Program Fee of $25 per cast member. I am hoping that this is not an issue with anyone. It's just something we have to do. If for some reason, you cannot afford the fee, please let me know and let it not be an obstacle for you not participating. With this said, you can pay this when you sign-up as the page will direct you to a payment page.
5. We do not need any more cast members. The script had been chosen by preliminary headcount from a prior request I conducted. If for some reason, things have changed in your life and you cannot participate this year, let me know ASAP, please!
6. Please sign up as soon as you are able to, posthaste. :) Can't wait to see you guys!